Whether we talk about the festive season or special occasions discounts and offers are the most favorite part of shopping for everyone. Not only offers to encourage us to complete our orders but also saves a lot of money.
On the other hand, showing off discounts and deals is more important than running the same. Why? Because if you are running deals on your Opencart eCommerce store and are not able to make your customers aware of the same. The deal is useless.
To solve the problem, at Knowband, we offer product Stickers and label extensions for Opencart eCommerce sellers.
About OpenCart Product Stickers and Labels Extension:

The Opencart product sticker extension allows the Opencart eCommerce sellers to show responsive stickers and product labels on the storefront. Using the Opencart product sticker module, the Opencart retailers can show discount labels, and informational labels, and can make their customers aware of the products and offers.
On top of that, we provide 20+ pre-loaded stickers in our module. And, the store admins can even upload as many product sticker images as they want. Moreover, it takes zero coding and technical knowledge to manage the positions and sizes of the product labels on the store front end.
How to Make the Most Out of Product Label and Sticker Extension!!
To make the most out of Knowband’s Opencart product label module, the admins can use the plugin for various occasions. We have noted down some of the use cases for the Opencart Product label plugin.
1. Showing-Off Your Offers is Easy Now;
Are you running deals and offers and still not able to attract your visitors? We have got you covered with Opencart Product Label Extension. Now, within 3 simple steps, you can add a lucrative offer label on the desired products. For example, you can show a 20% off label on the products which you are having more in stock. On top of that, you can choose a particular category for showing the stickers and even can exclude specific products from the same.
2. Especially Tailored for the Festive Season:
The festive season is the most awaited season of the entire year not just because of happiness. But also, online shoppers get the best offers on their favorite products.
Following the same, you can make your online shop ready for the festival season within minutes with the Opencart Product Sticker Extension. Along with happy holidays, you can show off reasonable offers to your Opencart store visitors and make the most out of it.
3. For Informational Purposes:
Apart from showing offers, you can also use the Opencart Product Label module for informational purposes. How? In case you selling handmade or farm fresh products, you can show hand-made labels on the product page.
Instance, you can deliver all sorts of information you want to, to your beloved customer base.
4. Deal Management:

For running the deals on your store, you will not have to use any specific module now. In the Opencart Product Label and Sticker Extension, we have provided an option for sticker data management. You can simply manage the start and end date for a sticker. And make it useful by designing the deal coupon code for the specific period.
In the end
At Knowband, we are delivering quality extensions to the eCommerce industry for 13+ years. Along with Opencart, our technical experts also designed the best plugins for the WooCommerce, Prestashop, Magento, and Magento 2 eCommerce platforms.
Moreover, while designing the Opencart Product Label and Sticker extension, we have ensured quality along with usability. Instance, all the relevant features are designed in Apple-Pie order to make the plugin feature understandable and easy to use for our beloved Opencart seller community.
In case you are having queries or suggestions regarding the plugin, you can find us at our official email address [email protected].